Game changing developments in the Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency Treatment Landscape

D espite being entirely preventable, oral illnesses account for one of the biggest global health burdens and affect about 3.5 billion people. The two disorders that have the greatest impact on oral health and make up the majority of the burden of oral disease are gum (periodontal) disease and dental caries, also known as cavities or tooth decay. Major risk factors for the development of oral disorders include eating foods and snacks high in sugar, smoking, drinking alcohol, and consuming certain dangerous foods and beverages. Oral health disorders are also impacted by expanding urbanization, poor cleanliness, altering lifestyles, and limited access to oral health care services. According to data provided by the WHO (in 2019), 520 million children and almost 2 billion adults worldwide suffer from primary tooth decay . Additionally, in 2018 more than 40% of adults reported experiencing oral pain, and by age 34, more than 80% of people will have experienced at least one cavity. Untreated...